
Solar energy in Serbia

Mapa SrbijeThe average intensity of solar radiation on the territory of the Republic of Serbia is between 1.1 kWh/m2/per day in the north and 1.7 kWh/m2/per day in the south – in January and from 5.9 kWh/m2/per day to 6.6 kWh/m2/per day – in July.

On an annual basis, the average energy value of global radiation for the Republic of Serbia amounts to 1200 kWh/m2/per year in northwestern Serbia, 1550 kWh/m2/per year in southeastern Serbia, while in the central Serbia it amounts to 1400 kWh/m2/per year. The efficiency depends on the characteristics of the panel, so that the average value of the available useful energy in Serbia of 700 kWh/m2/per year can be adopted.

According to the census in 2002, there are about 2.5 million households in Serbia. If, on average,  every fifth household would build in a solar receiver of 4 m2 surface, 1750 GWh/per year would be generated annually, which would largely replace the power consumption, partly fossil fuels that are used for heating domestic hot water, and it would allow the reduction of carbon dioxide by 2.3 million tons per year.

The energy that the Sun emits during the year to 1 m2 of the roof of a house in Serbia is equal to the energy which is obtained by burning 130 liters of oil – and at the same time it is absolutely free.

The greatest potential for using solar energy have towns in the southern part of Serbia – Niš, Kuršumlija, Vranje.

EXAMPLE: installation of solar collectors for heating sanitary water for a household with four family members.

  • On average it takes about 4 m2 of solar collectors and a water heater capacity of 200 liters
  • The price for the system for heating domestic water using solar energy varies from 1.900 EUR to 2.500 EUR, depending on the quality.
  • By installing a water heating system a four-person household would annually save about 2.400 kWh
  • The value of these savings is 120 EUR per year

In addition, any increase in electricity prices would make an impact on reducing the payback period.